Medical Card Services

The GMS medical card entitles patients to avail of a wide range of medical services free of change from their family doctor. This includes standard consultations for treatment of illnesses and related services necessary for the treatment of a wide range of medical conditions. The doctor receives payment from the Health Services Executive for these services. Full medical card patients, and patients with a Doctor Visit Only Card are entitled to the same services free of charge in the surgery. However patients with a Doctor Visit only Card are not entitled to free medication from the pharmacy.

Blood test Service:

If you are unwell, your visit to the doctor and any necessary blood tests are free with the Doctor Visit Card and Medical Card.

Blood tests which  screen for particular abnormalities on  an ongoing basis for example; blood tests for patients on  cholesterol medication, medication  for arthritis,  Warfarin testing (INR), swabs for surgery, a 10 euro charge will  apply (Maximum  10  euro  per month). The GP  visit card or Medical  Card does not cover the cost of medical, nursing or transport resources needed by the practice to  do  these tests.

Some services provided by the practice are not covered under the Medical Card Scheme and will incur a fee.

These include for example; examination and reports relating to insurance policies or for medico-legal purposes, pre-employment medicals, examinations relating to fitness to drive or take part in sports, school entry examinations, travel vaccinations and some screening tests.

What is the Chronic Disease Management Programme?

The CDM Programme aims to improve the health and wellbeing of patients living with specific chronic diseases to include Type 2 diabetes, Asthma, COPD and Cardiovascular disease. It is provided by us at WATERFORD MEDICAL CENTRE to ensure patients conditions are actively monitored to improve their conditions and reduce complications and hospital admissions in the long term.

You will be eligible and invited to participate in this program at no cost if you:

o Have a medical card or a GP visit card

o Are aged 18 years or over

o Have a specific chronic disease(s) :

Type 2 Diabetes


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Cardiovascular Disease including: – Heart Failure – Heart Attack (Angina) – Stroke – Irregular Heartbeat (Atrial Fibrillation)

You must also be able to take a call from your nurse or GP/attend your GP surgery.

Next Steps: What will my practice be doing to include me in the CDM Programme?

Your GP or practice nurse will be inviting you to register for the Structured Chronic Disease Management Programme. Your GP or practice nurse will talk with you and support your enrollment over the telephone or in person initially.

1. They will discuss your general health and well-being with you and focus on your specific chronic condition and health issues.

2. You need to visit the GP surgery to be seen in person by the GP and the practice nurse, blood tests and other tests such as ECG and 24 hour blood pressure monitor will be carried out as usual by your GP/practice nurse.

3. You will be issued with a written Care Plan.

How will I benefit as a patient from participating ?

· Structured reviews of your chronic disease with your GP or practice nurse

· A personalised care plan developed and agreed with your GP

· Regular reviews of your care plan and medication

· Prescriptions may be issued for 6 months

· Opportunities for structured education and self-management support

· Early detection of any new conditions you may develop

· Early detection of complications in your condition(s)

· Care in your community, close to your home.

How will the programme work for me?

There will be 2 free structured reviews in the GP surgery each year as part of the Chronic Disease Management Programme. This amounts to a total of 4 free visits per year. Each structured review includes 1 free visit to your practice nurse and 1 free visit to your GP.

Your information:

Once you are on the Chronic Disease Management Programme you allow certain information to be collected at each structured review as part of the programme. During each structured review, your GP will record your:

· Name and age

· Chronic disease diagnoses

· Medical history

· Details of any symptoms or investigations you have had since your last visit.

The Information gathered as part of the Chronic Disease Management Programme will play a vital role in helping to improve our understanding of chronic disease. It will improve the health services ability to detect, treat and prevent chronic diseases as well as deliver an improved service to those with chronic disease.

For more information go to

How do I apply for a Medical Card