Minor Surgery

All our doctors are trained and experienced in minor surgery, with the assistance of our highly trained practice nurses. The practice is fully equipped to offer a broad range of procedures to our patients, in our purpose built procedures room.

Most surgical procedures are fully covered by the health insurance companies – VHI, LAYA, AVIVA and GloHealth which pay the practice directly. Garda Medical Aid and ESB schemes will reimburse the cost in most instances. Medical card holders are also covered in many cases.

All surgery requires a pre-surgical assessment appointment with the treating doctor to discuss the procedure and complications.

The range of services available include:

  • Removal of skin lesions, moles, sebaceous cysts and lipomas.
  • Removal of ingrown toenails
  • Wound care, suturing and dressings
  • Cryotherapy of warts, verrucaes and non melanoma sun damage.
  • Insertion and removal of the ‘Mirena’ intrauterine contraceptive device
  • Insertion and removal of the’ Implanon’ contraceptive device