The doctors and nurses in the Waterford Medical Centre run many specialised clinics and offer our patients a complete and comprehensive primary health care service
- Diabetic Clinics
- Asthma Clinics
- Warfarin Clinics
- Weight management Clinics
- Cardiovascular disease screening
- Women’s Health Clinics
- Cervical smear tests
- Immunisations. : baby vaccinations, travel vaccinations, flu and pneumonia vaccinations, occupational vaccinations
Other services include:
- Phlebotomy – Blood testing
- Nebulisation for asthmatics
- Audiometry – hearing test
- Vision testing and check for colour blindness
- Cryotherapy – treatment of warts/verrucas/skin lesions with liquid nitrogen
- Minor surgery – removal of skin lesions, moles, cysts, lipomas, ingrown toenails and suturing
- Spirometry – lung function testing and Carbon Monoxide testing
- 24 hour blood pressure monitoring
- ECG – heart tracing
- ABI measurement – to detect peripheral vascular disease.
- Ear syringing – for excessive ear wax