Women’s Health and Family Planning

We have experienced female doctors, Dr Sharon O’Donnell, Dr Caitriona Mooney, Dr Caitriona Kennedy, Dr Deirdre Manton, Dr Cherry Cheung, Dr Sinead Sloan and Dr Marina Vasileva who have special interest and further qualifications in women’s health and family planning.

Our range of services include:

Advice on all methods of contraception including the combined pill, progesterone only pill, the morning after pill, the Depo-provera,  the contraceptive patch and vaginal ring. Insertion and removal of the intrauterine contraceptive devices and the ‘ Implanon’. Advice and counselling on the non hormonal methods of contraception. Women and people with a uterus aged 17 to 35 years inclusive can get contraception for free, a medical card is not required for these services.

  • Antenatal and post natal care
  • Infertility
  • Free cervical screening
  • Cervical cancer vaccination
  • Breast cancer screening
  • Advice, counselling and treatment on the Menopause, Osteoporosis and HRT
  • Sexual health advise and screening for sexually transmitted diseases including; Chlamydia,Gonorrhoea, Hepatitis B and C, HIV and Syphilis
  • Crisis pregnancy management
  • Dealing with domestic violence

National Free Contraception Service

Women and people with a uterus aged 17 to 35 years inclusive, can get contraception for free. You do not need a medical card to access this service.

Make an appointment with your GP to discuss your options for contraception.

If you are aged 17-35, you do not have to pay for your GP visit or any prescriptions you get.

What costs are covered?

The costs covered include:

· GP appointments – to talk about contraception options and for repeat prescriptions when needed

· any prescriptions given by your doctor – these will be given free of charge at participating pharmacies

· your choice of contraception – from the types covered below

· fittings and removals of implants and IUDs or IUSs (coils)

· any check-ups or other follow up care needed, relating to your implant or coil

· emergency contraception (morning after pill)

Types of contraception covered?

There are many types of contraception covered by this service. You may need to try difference forms of contraception to find what works best for you. Emergency contraception is also covered. You can choose from a range of contraception listed below. These include short-acting contraceptives and long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs).

Short-acting contraceptives

Short-acting contraceptives are types of contraception that depend on you remembering to take or use them regularly or each time you have sex. These include the: · progesterone only and combined contraceptive (the pill) · contraceptive patch · contraceptive ring


Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) are types of contraception that you do not have to remember to take every day. These include the: · implant · injection · copper coil (intrauterine device/IUD) and hormonal coil (intrauterine system/IUS)

How to get free contraception?

Make an appointment with your GP to discuss your options for contraception. If you are aged 17-35, you do not have to pay for your GP visit or any prescriptions you get. You do not need a medical card to access this service.

To access free contraception, you need to be:

· a woman or person with a uterus

· aged between 17 to 35

· living in Ireland

Your information

You will need to give us your PPS number, name, date of birth and address. We need this to make sure that you are in the 17 to 35 age group covered by the free contraception service. You will also need to present your PPSN in the pharmacy when you collect your prescription.

Emergency contraception from pharmacies

Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or if your contraception fails. For example, a condom slipped/broke or you missed a pill. If you need the emergency contraceptive pill (the morning after pill), this can be given over-the-counter at participating pharmacies for free. You will need to give your PPS number, name and address at the pharmacy. They need this information to make sure that you are in the 17 to 35 age group covered by the free contraception

Well Women’s Check